How to pack Trading Cards

How to pack Trading Cards

Due to the material of the product, we ask that trading cards be packaged carefully.
Please pack and ship according to the following procedures to prevent tears, folds, etc. from occurring to the item during transportation.
* There are any tears, folds, or other defects that cannot be seen in the posted images, we may cancel the transaction.

1. Put the card in a card sleeve.
2. Put the card sleeve in a hard case.
3. Cover the hard case with cushioning material
4. Carefully package the item and ship it by traceable shipping.

In addition, please refer to the following for details on packing methods.

1. Put the card in a card sleeve
Please be sure to use a sleeve (soft case made of plastic material).
If you put the item directly into a hard case, the surface may be scratched.

2. Put the card sleeve in a hard case
Once the card is in the card sleeve, place it in a hard plastic case.

3. Use cushioning material
After placing the item in a hard plastic case, cover it with additional cushioning material.

4. Use the appropriate size packing material
Please ship in appropriately sized packing materials. You may use packing materials other than cardboard boxes.
Please be sure to ship by traceable shipping so that the delivery status can be tracked.

5. Ship the card by itself
Please ship the card by itself, and not bundled with other categories of items such as sneakers or apparel items.

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